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Video as Urban Condition: Video-pool installation

The Video-pool Archive is a unique, expanding collection of moving images first presented to the public at the Austrian Cultural Forum London in 2004. The Video-pool Installation is designed to offer access to the Video-pool archive as a self-service videotheque. It consists of easy-to-use equipment configured in a way which suggests aspects of video as an urban experience including shifts in scale, duration and attention, closed circuits, surveillance etc. The installation is readily be adapted to the venue and the context. The Video-pool installation offers a way of presenting a wide range of video works in a flexible and intelligible way.

In Bratislava 2005 we presented the Video-cafe in co-operation with the Burundi media art organisation. A café suggested an urban infrastructure and social space of multiple conversations: the aim was to bring video into the conversation. In Yerevan, the Video-pool formed the environment for a workshop hosted by the Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art. The largest installation to date was at the Lentos Museum of Modern Art, Linz in 2007 (above).

view ACF images
view Burundi images
view ACCEA images
view Lentos images
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If you are interested in contributing to the development of the project and/or hosting a future presentation of the Video-pool, please contact us.
The Video-pool Installation is devised by Anthony Auerbach and Manu Luksch