33 Scenes, audio, 66 m, decoy object, 2014
Exhibited: Solo Show #7, The Function Room, London, 2014 (above)
The thirty-three short texts published in 2014 were written mainly in 2005 and 2006 and consigned to two friends. The Scene Book is a coil-bound A4 pad containing thirty-six tabulated sheets for recording a place, person(s), situation and notes. The situations recorded are located in the Soviet Union, mainly in the 1980s. In this version you are invited to sit a desk and listen. A voice reads numbered and dated reports. The scenes are not arranged chronologically and do not appear to be arranged in a logical or thematic way. They are vivid and consistent only as fragments. The form of each report, if this is what it is, suggests the presence of an eyewitness. However, the notes may also be heard as instructions for the enactment or re-enactment of the scene, perhaps for a movie. An object lies on the table, a hybrid of a die and a top, inviting the hands.
Private collection, London